Every year – every day even – I make all of these lofty goals for myself: Lose the weight, make more money, be a success, love my life, travel, blah blah blah blah blah. Wow! I must live such a fantastic life! WRONG! I have all the hope and wish in the world, but no follow through.

Along the way, you'll learn a little more about me, but here are the basics...I'm a single, 36 year old bartender, stuck in the small town I grew up in, with exactly $7.61 in my savings account. I still live like I'm 22 years old, and I have absolutely nothing to show for my life. Over the past 6 months or so, I've been really trying to get my act together, but it's been in fits and starts. I've made so many plans and goals and not done a whole lot about them. Okay, it may seem like I'm just being a downer, but there is a point, so keep reading......

I write down all these motivational sayings all the time. I have a notebook full...my computer is full of things I've found online. I've always loved quotes, as many people do. I was looking through them one day and a light went off – I would finally put all these words to good use. If there is anything I want in this phase of my life other than to actually GET MY LIFE TOGETHER, it is to share my experience with others in the hopes that someone in a similar situation might not feel so alone in the process of creating a better self.  

So, over the next 365 days, I'm going to be living my life according to quotes! Some days I'll find the quotes, some days they'll find me, but stay tuned and see what happens!

I hope you follow me and find out what happens when I actually use the words I read every day to inspire me to action. Who knows? I hope I'll reach all my goals...maybe I'll fall flat on my face...either way, it should be fun!  And who knows, maybe I'll inspire someone else to change their life, too...maybe you...


    Hi, my name is Stacey. This blog is designed to let you follow me through - what I'm hoping will be - a great change in my life.  Over the next 365 days, I will use the quotes and motivational sayings to change from someone who merely lives into someone who is REALLY ALIVE.  Let's see what happens together! 


    January 2014
    December 2013


    Life Lessons