This is absolutely, 100% true.  The only time you REALLY FAIL is when you STOP TRYING.  As is the purpose of this blog, I've really been taking a good look at my life lately.  And what I've found is that IN THE PAST, I have been a quitter.  I quit things when they become "inconvenient" for me.  I've given up exercise program after exercise program because "I don't have the time", or "there's something good on TV", or "I've already ruined my diet for the day, so why work out". 

In the last year, I have found that the more I work out, truly the happier I am.  I am able to deal with stressful situations with more patience, I'm more optimistic, and I really take the time to work through my problems rather than just toss them into the pile with the others.  The cloud of gloom and doom has been lifted from my life.  So why in the world would I not do everything in my power to feel like this everyday??  Well, I have....for the most part. But lately, I have been feeling myself slip again, and today is about getting back on track.  

I know that the winter months are always the hardest for me.  When it's cold outside, it's just easier to come home from work and bundle up on the sofa watching TV all night.  And it's easier to keep snuggled up in bed all day than it is to get up and get moving in the morning.  And since I slept all day, why not just grab something to eat on the to work?  Yup, we've all been there.  And that's fine, every once in a while...we all have our off days.  We just CANNOT make habit of this!  

I've cut off the workout excuses by making a promise to get up at 8 A.M. every day.  And I'm doing that (for the most part...sometimes it 9:00, but still good for me!)  But my eating needs to get under control.  Working out and then eating like crap is not going to get me anywhere.  I mean, it's better than eating like crap and NOT working out, but I have to fuel my body or I'm going to start feeling terrible again.  My workouts have been suffering, and I know what's next...dropping the workouts, too.  Well, NOT ON MY WATCH!!

You can always get back on track...you can always make a change.  You never fail until you quit.  No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everyone on the couch...I know all of that.  Winter will not be the death of me!  I haven't gained back any of the weight that I lost last year.  That is a TRUE ACCOMPLISHMENT for me.  I think of last winter, when I plummeted up to 206 pounds - 10 pounds heavier than I had ever been in my life. There was no hope.  I was doomed....until, of course, I found Beachbody, and FELL IN LOVE WITH MY LIFE AGAIN!!

This year, I'm 30 pounds lighter, and I'm making positive changes everyday.  I fight every day for a better life.  I may be going slowly right now, but I'm never going to stop again!  I'm making the promise today to get back on track with my nutrition, and keep this train on track!

I also think it's time to run my own Beachbody Challenge group.  To TRULY make a real change, you need 90 days.  I fell in love with the BeachBody life during my 90 Day Challenge.  So I think that starting in mid-February, I'll start a 90 Day Group.  That will run me right up into the beginning of summer, so that will be perfect.  

Do anything you can to keep yourself on track with your fitness...it's the best thing you can ever do for YOU!

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    Hi, my name is Stacey. This blog is designed to let you follow me through - what I'm hoping will be - a great change in my life.  Over the next 365 days, I will use the quotes and motivational sayings to change from someone who merely lives into someone who is REALLY ALIVE.  Let's see what happens together! 


    January 2014
    December 2013


    Life Lessons