I must admit that my diet has not been the best this week.  This bad weather we've been having has keep me from going out too much, and I've been just eating whatever's hanging around, out of the freezer or fridge.  A lot of not-so-good calories have been consumed over the last 3 days, and I'm not proud of that at ALL.  I guess it really caught up to me today because I just felt so gross all day.  I barely got through my workout today, but I knew I had to do SOMETHING good for myself, so I powered through.

But, what I've learned on my journey in getting healthy is that, you just have to give yourself a break sometimes.  Just because I stumbled for a few days doesn't mean I'm not healthy anymore, or that I can't get right back to business tomorrow.  In the past, it would depress me so much when I "fell off the wagon" that I would just keep eating and eating...and all of a sudden my weight would be out of control....NO MORE!!

The great thing about being in a fitness group is that there is always someone who inspires me to get back up and do the right thing.  And my coach checks on me if she doesn't see me post regularly.  And usually if she's having to check on me, it's because I need to be checked on, because I'm doing things that I don't want to post, like eating junk, or not working out. I don't know how I ever tried to get healthy on my own.  Obviously, I DIDN'T get healthy on my own.  But with help, I'm doing it, and even though I've stumbled on my diet this week, it's not going to ruin me.  I'll be out and about again tomorrow, and my first stop will be the grocery store so I can stock up on my healthy food.  After the past few days, I think it'll be a while until I eat another frozen dinner or peanut butter sandwich. 

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    Hi, my name is Stacey. This blog is designed to let you follow me through - what I'm hoping will be - a great change in my life.  Over the next 365 days, I will use the quotes and motivational sayings to change from someone who merely lives into someone who is REALLY ALIVE.  Let's see what happens together! 


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