Okay, it's the last day of the month, so I'm going to do a recap of how I'm doing on my goals.  Here were my Goals for January:

#1 Run a mile without stopping.  Honestly, that one I just completely dropped the ball on.  I did go out a few times, but my fitness has honestly taken a little bit of a backseat this month.  So I am making it a PRIORITY in February.  My goal by the end of February was to run 2 miles without stopping.  I'm keeping that goal.  So I am really going to be focusing on my jogging this month.  Monday I will go to the rec center in town and get my membership so I can use the treadmill.  Obviously, getting outside to jog is just not going to work for me until spring gets here.  

#2 Follow at-home work schedule.  I WAS doing great on my at-home work schedule, and I'm still getting plenty of time in, but I've been working for hours and hours at a time trying to get this website together, that I haven't been following my schedule the way I had planned.  I have to refocus this month on making contact with people and work on the website at times other than when I'm supposed to be working on business.

#3 Finish reading The Giant Within.  I'm ALMOST DONE, I PROMISE!  Like I said, this website is taking up a lot of my time.  I have just a few chapters left, so I'm going to try to get them done this weekend.  I want to start a new book next week, for sure.

#4  Adhere to my monthly budget.  This one I've done as much as humanly possible.  I kept my extra spending down to a minimum, and did the most with what I could with the money I'm making right now.  I should be getting some money back for my taxes this month, and with the money, I'm going to catch up on a couple bills and put the money away that I'll need to take some days off in March for my friend's wedding.  So this goal is one that I've stuck to!

#5  Sell $500 on Ebay.  WHAT HAPPENED?!  I really dropped the ball on this one.  I did sell a few things, but because I was trying to keep up with my monthly budget, I had to use the money I made.  And that IS a good thing, I know.  I got a couple of bills paid that weren't going to get paid by my job. But if I can't keep some of that money in my Ebay account, I won't be able to build it into anything.  I need to work on that this month. 

#6  Keep the house clean.  This goal has been accomplished and become habit.  I'm happy to at least REALLY accomplished something this month. 

So, some of my goals I'm still working on.  But this is a great way to evaluate how I'm doing and refresh my commitment to my goals.  So in February, I'll be working on the following:

1.  Run 2 miles without stopping.
2.  Run my own Beachbody Challenge group/stick to my workout program          COMPLETELY.
3.  Read a book on budgeting my money better.
4.  Follow my at-home work schedule.
5.  Sell $500 on Ebay
6.  Pay up phone/internet bill - change providers
7.  Keep up with blog DAILY.

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    Hi, my name is Stacey. This blog is designed to let you follow me through - what I'm hoping will be - a great change in my life.  Over the next 365 days, I will use the quotes and motivational sayings to change from someone who merely lives into someone who is REALLY ALIVE.  Let's see what happens together! 


    January 2014
    December 2013


    Life Lessons