For most of my life, I've had feeling that I was meant to help others.  I wasn't necessarily made for a big life, or a family life, but I knew I wanted to help.  It's true, what they say - You can't change the world until you change yourself.  Even though I've always had the DESIRE to help others become better, I don't think I really knew HOW, until recently.

We're all meant for different roles in this life, and the true happiness comes when you find out what your role is.  I've gone through my life, trying to help where I could.  I've given money, and shelter to friends.  I've given shoulders to cry on, and laughter through tears.  In my last management role, I was tough, but fair, and I prided myself on being the person you could come to when you needed a wrong to be righted.  But lately, I haven't had that chance to be any of those things to anyone.  There has been a void in my life, and I've been looking for something to fill that void. 

Making myself better has afforded me a great opportunity.  By becoming a Beachbody motivational coach, I have the opportunity to pay it forward - to help people HELP THEMSELVES into a better life.  That is a wonderful feeling.  My hope is, that one day I will be able to make a living doing this.  I'm very new to this business, and I'm getting used to all the excuses people give, and all the NO's I'm getting when I offer my support.  It's frustrating to know that they are the same excuses I used to give myself for not being healthy.  It's like looking in a mirror at the old me.  But 20 NO's are worth that one YES, and every day someone makes the decision to be healthier in some way, it's a victory for me, and it fills me with the desire to do more.

I've finally taken the time to give to MYSELF first.  It's true what they say - that you change the world by changing yourself.  It feels nice to feel like I have a calling in life.  Some may say it's silly...that I'm just "selling workout stuff".  And those people just don't get it.  But I do.

YOU CAN QUOTE ME ON IT:  To find out who you are is amazing.  To find out why you're here is priceless.

2/6/2020 07:46:12 am

Well said, some how get you mean.

7/28/2020 10:22:10 pm

NICE blog, some worthy words to read! Kind of things I can relate. Though I should be happy with my good career and life, but there is a void, I'm not sure what can I do... I feel a lack of motivation.


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    Hi, my name is Stacey. This blog is designed to let you follow me through - what I'm hoping will be - a great change in my life.  Over the next 365 days, I will use the quotes and motivational sayings to change from someone who merely lives into someone who is REALLY ALIVE.  Let's see what happens together! 


    January 2014
    December 2013


    Life Lessons