This is usually my life:  Lose 25 pounds during the summer.  Fall comes, I keep working out, but I'm eating poorly.  Winter comes, I'm eating non-stop and sitting in front of the TV all day and drinking all night.  Spring comes, and I've gained 30 pounds.  June 1st comes, and BACK ON THE DIET!!!

If you'll notice, by the end of this cycle, I'm actually 5 pound HEAVIER than the year before.  This has been my process for the last, OH, 10 years or so??  Which really does add up, since over the past 10 years I've gained about 50 pounds.  This brought me to 206 lbs. last year.  That is a number that will be ingrained in my mind for the rest of my life.  The day I got of the scale and saw that number, I just stood and stared in the mirror, taking in everything I'd let myself become.  That's the number that changed my life, and ended this unhealthy cycle - FOREVER!
Last summer, I began with Les Mills Pump (which uses weight lifting), and I haven't been the same person since!  I lost 26 pounds in 90 Days...not too fast, not too slow - just right for a healthy process.  I trimmed down and gained a TON of muscle.  After Pump, I moved on to Les Mills Combat (which uses a lot of kickboxing moves).  By this time, it was getting into  winter, and I was afraid that I would start gaining weight again...but over the holiday season, I actually LOST 6 more pounds! 

On the left is a picture of me from January 6th of last year...after this  was taken, I actually gained 10 more pounds, but I refused to have my photo taken at that point. On the right...a pic I took after doing Les Mills Pump. I still have a long way to go, but I'm so proud of myself for how far I've come.  

January was a little rough for me...it was a bad month at work, and, going back to my habit of being an emotional eater, some old eating habits crept in.  And even though my workouts were being done, they were suffering because I wasn't  fueling my body in the right way.  But at the beginning of this month, I re-dedicated myself to the program.  I'm doing a hybrid I've made myself, of both Pump and Combat, and I'm feeling great again! 

In just a week, I'm back on track and starting to see results.  The great thing about losing weight in the right way and getting HEALTHY is that, if you fall off course a bit, it's so much easier to get back on track that  if you're starting over from scratch.  My goal is to lose 5 pounds this month.  If I can, I will be under 170 lbs for the first time in 5 years!  And that's before Spring is even here! 

I'm here to tell you, if I can do this, anyone can.  All you have to do is get up and get moving, and expect results in due time, not overnight.  If you need support, find a friend, find a great support group, or get into one of mine.  But DO IT - TODAY!   

**Find out more on Beachbody Challenge and support under the FREE COACHING option at the top of the page, or go to:

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    Hi, my name is Stacey. This blog is designed to let you follow me through - what I'm hoping will be - a great change in my life.  Over the next 365 days, I will use the quotes and motivational sayings to change from someone who merely lives into someone who is REALLY ALIVE.  Let's see what happens together! 


    January 2014
    December 2013


    Life Lessons