Let's think about this for a minute.  When's the last time you gave a encouragement to a friend - It's never to late to start over!  No, those jeans DO NOT make you look fat!  OF COURSE he's into you!  You never know until you try!  You could probably 5 times off the top of your head from just this week, right?

Now, let's think about this.  When's the last time you said any of these things to a friend - I know you really want this, but it just seems too hard... That outfit makes you look HUGE! ....Just resign yourself to the fact that this is your life and you're never going to change it....Girl, can't you see he's blowing you off?......

Of course, we don't say these things to our friends.  We build them up...make them feel like they can do anything they set their minds to. So, why is it  so damn hard to say the same encouraging things to ourselves?  Why is it that when the road gets rough, we tell ourselves that our life just sucks, instead of reminding ourselves that it's just a rough patch?  Why do we keep ourselves from starting new things, when you would push a friend until the job is done and they've accomplished greatness? 

I think of all the discouraging things I've said to myself on a daily basis over the years.  No wonder I haven't been living the life of my dreams!  I'm living the exact life I told myself I was good enough for.  When laying blame, there is only myself.  But I'm also the one who's going to get me out of this mess!

The word NO is just something I'm not telling myself anymore.  The words NOT YET, BUT BE PATIENT are coming up a lot.  The words JUST DO IT are in my head a hundred times a day. GET OUT OF YOUR WAY are words that I say when things seem too hard.  You WILL start anew!
You are AWESOME!  You LOOK GREAT!  You WILL accomplish your dreams!  I used to be my own worst enemy.  But I'm becoming my own best ally. 

QUOTE ME ON IT:  You are you're best friend...act accordingly.

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    Hi, my name is Stacey. This blog is designed to let you follow me through - what I'm hoping will be - a great change in my life.  Over the next 365 days, I will use the quotes and motivational sayings to change from someone who merely lives into someone who is REALLY ALIVE.  Let's see what happens together! 


    January 2014
    December 2013


    Life Lessons