Okay, so a few weeks ago, when it was snowing and icy and I couldn't get to the grocery store, I pigged out on all the stupid stuff that I was keeping in the house as "cheat" foods because I didn't have anything else in the house to eat.  Well NOT THIS TIME! 

We've been expecting harsh weather again, and here it is!  I've been stuck in the house all day, but instead of having junk food in the house, I went to the store last night and stocked up on healthy foods, in case I'm in the house for a couple days.  I got up today and had my usual breakfast of omelet, toast, and fruit (pineapple, this morning).  I will say that I was having a junk food craving in the afternoon, and had a couple pieces of peanut butter toast, but other than that, I've been so good all day (and really, peanut butter toast isn't all that bad.)  I worked out, had my Shakeology, and as I'm writing this I'm baking up some chicken for dinner. 

I feel like I'm really on track this month with my nutrition, and because of that, I'm having great workouts again, too.  I was getting worried that I wouldn't be able to get back the drive I had a few months ago.  But I'm committed and it's obvious in the conscious

So bottom line, from now on, if I want "cheat" foods, I'll just have to go to the store and get them.  I'm not keeping them in the house anymore.  Also, that gives me time to think about whether I REALLY WANT that MilkyWay, or if it's just a craving that will pass. 

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    Hi, my name is Stacey. This blog is designed to let you follow me through - what I'm hoping will be - a great change in my life.  Over the next 365 days, I will use the quotes and motivational sayings to change from someone who merely lives into someone who is REALLY ALIVE.  Let's see what happens together! 


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